Al Majd International School Dammam (Philippine Curriculum)


DepEd School ID: 700012


Name of School :

Al Majd International School Dammam

Address :

P.O. Box 76240, Rakah, Al-Khobar 31952
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Contact Numbers :

DL: 00-966-859-0677
TN: (966) 859-0111/0222 Ext. 102 or 106
FN: (966) 859-0677

E-mail Address :;

Website :
Date Established : March 1995
Start of Operations : June 1995
Permit from Host Govt. : 520-4400(Boys) & 520-4403 (Girls)
Date of issuance :  
DepEd Permits :

Government Permit No. 03
31 May 2024
(GP Valid until SY 2025-2026)

SHS Permit No. 18 (07 July 2016)
Academic: GAs, ABM, STEM

SHS Permit No. 1 (21 January 2021)
Academic: HUMSS

School’s Category : Category IV



Al Majd International School Dammam, first known as Philippine Embassy School in Dammam (PESD), opened its doors in 1995 after four Filipino families donated the funding for its construction. With 118 students, 16 teachers and 14 administrative staff on its opening, the school became known in the Eastern Province for its quality education with minimal fees.

The school had to change its name to Philippine School Dammam when the Philippine Embassy stopped its support to the school. Mr. Al-Zaki Al-Awami who generously agreed to support the school became the first Saudi sponsor of PSD which was categorized as a private school in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. After two years of sponsorship, Mr. Al-Zaki Al-Awami stepped down as sponsor due to internal difficulties.

In 1996, Her Highness, Princess Jawaher Bint Mohammed Bin Fahad Bin Jalawi took the school for financial support and she was recognized as the new sponsor of the school with its new name Al Majd International School Dammam-Philippine Section. The school then became the extension of Al Majd International School- British Curriculum which was sponsored by Her Highness Princess Jawaher.This didn’t last long as the school returned to its more well-known name Philippine School Dammam.

In 2009, the Ministry of Education announced that one school-one sponsor policy should be implemented. Thus, Princess Jawaher passed the sponsorship of PSD to her brother, Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad Bin Jalawi. It was then that the school got its new name Al Jazeera International School in Dammam (AJISD).

It was in 2015 that the school underwent major reformations as the MOE required the school to provide a new building for girls to strictly implement gender segregation. Thereafter, the school name was returned to Al Majd International School Dammam – Philippine Curriculum instead of Al Majd International School Dammam – Philippine Section.

To date, the school adapts to the constantly changing educational environment for the fulfillment of its goal to make the children of Filipino expatriates excel in their field of endeavor and to provide a genuine quality education in this part of the globe.



Al Majd International School Dammam—Philippine Curriculum envisions itself as a center of information and formation that will produce a well-rounded, self–reliant and globally competitive young Filipino citizen, who is fully equipped with knowledge, sense of nationalism, skills and values in coping up with the actual Philippine education set up.



Al Majd International School Dammam—Philippine Curriculum shall provide quality and affordable of Filipino expatriate children of Overseas Filipino Workers living in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It shall maintain the highest standard of educational services and shall strive to be an ideal school away from home recognized for its dedication and commitment to academic excellence.