The Philippine School – Dubai


DepEd School ID: 700004


Name of School : The Philippine School
Address :

Al Muhaisnah 2

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Contact Numbers :

TN: +9714-2844465 loc. 202/208

E-mail Address :;

Website :
Date Established : 20 February 2008
Start of Operations : 20 February 2008
Permit from Host Govt. : KHDA – 20264
20 Feb. 2008
Date of Issuance : 20 February 2008
DepEd Permits :

Government Recognition No. 01
29 November 2017
(Valid GR)

SHS Permit No. 19
21 July 2016
Academic: HUMSS, ABM, STEM, GAs

School Category : Category IV



The Philippine School (TPS) – Dubai was established on February 20, 2008 and formally opened its first academic year in September of the same year. Following its opening, the school received a DepEd Recognition for being an accredited Philippine school overseas and a Commendation Certificate from the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). Located in Al Twar during its foundation, the school was moved to Al Rashidiya in 2010, and finally situated to its current building in Al Muhaisnah 2 in January 2017.

The school offers complete programs from Kindergarten 1 to Grade 12. Through the years, TPS has attuned its curriculum to that in the Philippines to provide easy transition if the student needs to be relocated back home. Additional subjects are offered to comply with the national requirements of the host country.

In response to the interminable advancement of education, TPS submitted itself for inspection with of the Dubai School Inspection Bureau. True to its vision of being a “Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation,” The Philippine School continuously provides exceptional academic training for children through experiential, integrative, multicultural, and values-oriented learning.



The Philippine School nurtures students to be holistically developed and globally competent citizens in the service of mankind.

The Philippine School aims to inculcate among students:

  1. Character building by instilling positive values towards self and others;
  2. Civic responsibility by strengthening social engagement and involvement;
  3. Cross-cultural awareness by nurturing sensibility and responsiveness in a multicultural environment;
  4. Lifelong learning and Innovation by fostering real-life application of knowledge and 21st century skills;
  5. Promotion of Filipino values and culture by celebrating Filipino heritage and culture with respect to the host country.

Institutional Identity: Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation