Al Dura (Gems) International School

Name of School : Al Dura (Gems) International School
Address : P.O. Box 51477, Jeddah
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Contact Numbers :

TN : (966-12) 674-8483

Mobile: (96650) 273-5922 / 0921-534-2550


FN : (966-12) 674-8381

E-mail Address :;
Date Established : May 2005
Start of Operations : 04 June 2005
Permit from Host Govt. : 178/S
Date of issuance :  
School Owner : Reem Bin  Yamin (Saudi National)

No. of Enrollees

(SY 2011-2012)

: 1,761 students
School’s Category : Category IV
School Principal : Ms. Violeta C. Castillo
Asst. School Principal : Ms. Suzette Y. Ona


The Gems International School (GIS) was established and founded by Reem Bin Yamin, a Saudi National in May 2005. The school aims to provide an affordable world-class quality education – knowledge, skills, and values to the children of the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) based in Jeddah. The GIS offers pre-school, elementary and secondary education and it follows the Philippine curriculum. The school includes Arabic Language, Saudi History, Geography and Culture as additional subjects to be taught.

The school was issued a Government Permit No. 001, s.2009, by the Philippine Department of Education on 14 May 2009.


The GIS, a Saudi-owned Filipino School, counts on itself to provide an affordable world-class quality education for the children of OFWs based in Jeddah.


The GIS, established in 2005 by a group of professional Filipino teachers, envisions itself as a primary institution that intellectually and morally develops young Filipinos to become global citizens with a deep sense of nationalism and patriotism.