Elite International School

SCHOOL ID # 700006 


Name of School : Elite International School
Address : Olaya District,P.O. Box 10245
Riyadh 11555, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Contact Numbers : Telephone No.: 00966-11 462-7224
Fax No.: (966-11)462-465
Mobile: (96656) 460-2997; 966-535-192015
E-mail Address :


Date Established : 1999 – 2000
Start of Operations : June 1999
Permit from Host Govt. : MOE License 520-1085 
Date of issuance : January 15, 2019
Gov’t. Permit : GR-03
SHS Permit : No. 1 Academic: GAS
    (Saudi National)
School’s Category : Category IV


The Elite International School (EIS) was founded on 14 February 1999 and was then known as the International Academy in Riyadh. It was located at the Olaya District where it now still stands. Its founders were Engineer Abdulrahman M. Almoammar and his wife, H.R.H. Princess Dlayel Bint Saud Bin Abdulaziz, the daughter of the late King Saud Bin Abdulaziz, School Director, Mr. Santiago D. Bello, and School Principal, Mrs. Teresita A.  Aguila.

With the issuance of host country permit number 70/S issued on 23 February 1999, the school’s name was changed to Al – Maarefa International School under the sponsorhip of Mandeel Abdullah Nahar Al-Mandeel.

On 30 October 2000 the school was issued DECS permit no. 009, s. 2000. Upon compliance with all the legal papers and documents, the school achieved more successes and achievements – culturally and academically.

Soon after Mr. Al – Mandeel decided to establish his own American school using the name Al-Maarefa, he transferred the ownership of the Philippine school to Engr. Abdulrahman M. Almoammar.

Engineer Almoammar in consideration of the wishes of the former owner of the school, renamed the Philippine school to EIS with License No. 108/s dated 20/4/1421 22 July 2000.

Even with the changes, the faculty and staff, along with the students and parents, continued to support the EIS.

The EIS boasts of its support from the Royal Family of Engr. Abdulrahman Mohammad Almoammar and his wife, Her Royal Highness Princess Dlayel Bint Saud Bin Abdulazis Al-Saud.  The couple promotes world peace and understanding among people of diverse culture.

The EIS now exists with a curriculum that is self-renewing and responsive to the needs and opportunities of all types of learners in rapidly changing and technologically-oriented global community.  It is raising tomorrow’s leaders through quality education.  It takes into consideration the individual differences and preferences of the children.  It uses sensory-based activities that are interrelated to harness the multiple intelligence of the learner.  It also generates environmental awareness and finally, the curriculum stresses functional learning.

The EIS is guided by the principles of wisdom, service, dedication and truth which aim to provide the highest quality and updated system of education; to play a vital role in shaping the student’s identity and character, and be the best and financially affordable educational institution, always ready to serve the children of the overseas Filipino workers.

Vision – Mission Statement

 The EIS believes:

    • in the uniqueness and giftedness of every child;
    • in the total formation of the learner through quality education
    • in bringing out the best in every learner using a developmentally appropriate curriculum, innovative approaches and multi-media techniques; and
    • in fostering a culture of excellence coupled with strength of character, sound values formation, sincerity in purpose and service for the global community


School Objectives

Led by its vision-mission statement, the EIS provides a strong foundation for its learner to:

    • Enhance their talents and potentials by providing new venues for their discoveries and nurturance.
    • Hone their intellectual capabilities that they may be creative thinkers and positive contributors of national and global change.
    • Live harmoniously with others, proud of their country, apply desirable attitudes and values for effective personal, family and community living.