Philippine International School in Qatar


DepEd School ID: 700013


Name of School : Philippine International School in Qatar
Address : P. O. Box 9875, Zone 56, Street #393, Bldg. #20
Ain Khalid, Al-Rayyan, Doha, Qatar
Contact Numbers :

TN: (974) 44513443/ 44513364
Mobile: (974) 70269194

E-mail Address :;

Website :
Social Media Account :
Date Established : 01 March 2000
Start of Operations : 04 August 2000
Permit from Host Govt. : 2016
Date of Issuance : 04 August 2000
DepEd Permits :

Government Recognition No. 001
08 February 2018
(Valid GR)

SHS Permit No. 10
03 May 2016
Academic: STEM, HUMSS

School’s Category   Category III



With the vision and the strong conviction of the concerned Filipino community members to put up a school that will cater to the needs of the ever-increasing number of children of expatriates in the state of Qatar, the second Philippine school was established in September 1999 and determined the name PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL – QATAR (PISQ).

Henceforth, a 15-member Founding Committee was formed to process all the required documents needed for its operation. By December of the same year, all other documents were processed and duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy in Qatar which were then forwarded to various agencies in the Philippines.

The succeeding months had not been easy for the group. Although officially registered with the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 01 March 2000, the school would not open until five months later. Hurdles and impediments emerged every step of the way.

Grounded by their commitments to the children of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) in Qatar, the school’s founders were not deterred in accomplishing their noble ideals. With immense assistance from its former sponsor, Sheikh Abdulla bin Faisal Thani Al–Thani, the school finally opened on 05 August 2000.

The Philippine International School-Qatar was officially recognized by the Department of Education (DepEd) Republic of the Philippines on the 10th day of July 2009 with Government Recognition No. SP – 005, series of 2009. It is now owned by Mr. Rajih Shabeeb Al–Dosari, a Qatari National but operated by Filipinos.

The school is both mandated by the Department of Education (DepEd), Republic of the Philippines and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE), State of Qatar with their academic standards and procedures.

The PISQ is now under the Enhanced K–12 Basic Education Program with Government Recognition No. 001, s. 2018, which covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education that will produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with essential competencies and skills for life-long learning, employment, entrepreneurship, and higher education.



We envision Philippine International School–Qatar (PISQ) to be committed to molding the learners into becoming God-loving, productive global citizens who value wisdom and goodness and will be highly – competent contributors in building a just, humane and progressive society.



To provide a safe learning environment and offer thorough academic and life skills training that nurtures the learners to become holistically developed beings with 21st-century skills which will prepare them for the needs of the nation and the global community.